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the success is sure enough中文是什么意思

用"the success is sure enough"造句"the success is sure enough"怎么读"the success is sure enough" in a sentence


  • 成功是无疑的
  • "success"中文翻译    n. 1.成功,成就;好结果,好成绩;成功者;考试及格者 ...
  • "sure"中文翻译    adj. 1.〔用作表语〕(主观觉得)确实的;深信,确信 ...
  • "enough"中文翻译    adj. 充足的,足够的。 enough eggs, e ...
  • "sure enough" 中文翻译 :    果然, 果真; 果然,不出所料; 毫无疑问
  • "be sure of success" 中文翻译 :    操胜算
  • "he is sure of success" 中文翻译 :    他深信他会成功
  • "sure success company limited" 中文翻译 :    胜诺有限公司
  • "constant effort yields sure success" 中文翻译 :    功到自然成
  • "it is said she is quite sure of success" 中文翻译 :    据说她很有成功的把握
  • "as sure as" 中文翻译 :    和...一样肯定无疑, 千真万确地
  • "be sure" 中文翻译 :    肯定;确信; 务必
  • "be sure of" 中文翻译 :    对…有把握; 坚信,确信; 确信..., 肯定..., 对...有把握; 深信;确信; 有把握,确信
  • "be sure that" 中文翻译 :    确信..., 肯定..
  • "for sure" 中文翻译 :    肯定,一定; 肯定地有把握地; 肯定吗; 确切的,肯定; 确实,毫无疑问地; 确实,毫无疑问地
  • "it sure is" 中文翻译 :    今天是个好天
  • "not sure of" 中文翻译 :    没有把握
  • "sure" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.〔用作表语〕(主观觉得)确实的;深信,确信;(对…)有信心,有把握 (of; that); 肯定(要),一定(会) (to do; to be)。 2.〔用作定语〕(客观上)无疑问的,真实的,实在的;不可避免的,必然要发生的;(方法、效果等)正确的;可靠的;稳妥的,牢靠的,坚固的;(立场)坚定的。 Are you sure (of it)? 你认为确实的吗? 真的吗? I am not so sure of that. 我不太清楚。 Don't be too sure. 别太肯定。 Fight no battle you are not sure of winning. 不打无把握之仗。 I'm not sure if I can do it. 我不敢肯定我能做。 It's sure to be wet. 肯定要下雨。 a sure proof 确凿的证据。 slow and sure 稳步的。 a sure draw 一定可以打出狐狸来的矮树丛;一定可以套出实情来的话。 a sure hand 可靠的人。 a sure poison 〔美棒球俚〕优秀投手。 a sure shot 〔美俚〕神枪手,百发百中的射击员。 be sure of [that] 确信,深信(He is sure of success. 他深信他会成功。 You may be sure of his honesty. 你可以相信他的诚实)。 be [feel] sure of oneself 自信。 be sure to (do) 必定,一定 (His work is sure to succeed. 他的工作必定获得成功。 Be sure to tell me. 别忘记一定讲给我听)。 feel sure (of, that ...) =be sure (of, that ...). for sure 一定要,必须;必然,当然,毫无疑问(Be there by six o'clock for sure. 你一定要在六点钟以前到那里)。 I am sure 的确,真的;一定(I'm sure I don't know. =I'm sure I can't tell. 我真的不知道)。 make assurance double [doubly] sure 要稳 而又稳,要加倍小心[注意]。 make sure 弄明白,查明白,小心一点;确信(I believe the line is from ‘Lycidas', but you had better make sure. 我相信这一句诗是“李西达斯”里面的,然而你最好是查查看。 I make sure it would rain, but it didn't. 我确信要下雨的,可是没下)。 make sure of 将,弄明白,查明白;将…拿到手;叮嘱明白。 make sure (that) 务必;务请(Please make sure you understand this point. 务请你们体谅这一点)。 S- thing! 〔美俚〕真的! 当然(Shall you be at the dance - S- thing! 你参加舞会吗?--当然参加!) to be sure 1. 〔让步〕自然,固然。 2. 〔感叹〕哎呀! 真的!一点不假 (So it is, to be sure ! 一点不假就是那样啦! Well, To be sure ! 哼,好!啊!) Well, I am sure ! =To be sure! adv. 的确,一定;〔美国〕当然! 好。 Are you coming - S-! 你去吗? --当然去。 as sure as a gun, as sure as eggs are eggs, as sure as death [fate], as sure as nails, as sure as you live 〔口语〕的的确确。 sure enough 果真(I said it would be, and sure enough it is. 果然被我说中了)。 n. -ness
  • "sure as" 中文翻译 :    和一样肯定无疑
  • "to be sure" 中文翻译 :    诚然, 固然, 哎呀; 毫无疑问的; 肯定地,毫无疑问地……
  • "to be sure of" 中文翻译 :    肯定,肯定能得到
  • "enough" 中文翻译 :    adj. 充足的,足够的。 enough eggs, eggs enough 鸡蛋十分充足〔后者语气较弱〕。 enough noise to wake the dead 吵得死人都不安。 enough and to spare 绰绰有余。 more than enough 太多。 n. 充足,满足,足够。 have enough to eat 有足够的东西吃。 E- of that! 够了,别说了! E- of this folly! 不要再干这种傻事了! Cry ‘enough'! 快认输吧! E- is as good as a feast. 【谚】饱食便是珍馐! 知足常乐。 have enough to do 很吃力 (I had enough to do to catch the tram. 我好容易才赶上电车)。 have had quite [about] enough of 感到厌烦。 adv. 〔用于被修饰语之后〕十分,充分,足,够。 I am warm enough. 我够暖和的。 He was fool (=foolish) enough to agree. 他同意了,真够傻的。 She was clever enough to take the management of her own house. 她很能干,一定会管家。 The meat is roasted just enough. 这肉烤得恰到好处。 Be good [kind] enough to reply early. 请早日赐覆。 be old enough to 已经是可以…的年龄了。 can not ... enough 无论怎样…都不够 (I cannot thank you enough. 感谢不尽)。 curiously [oddly, strangely] enough 〔用作插入语〕说也奇怪,最奇怪的是。 sure enough 确实,果然。 well enough 1. 还不错,还可以。 2. 相当;很,极。 int. 够了!别再说了!
  • "enough for" 中文翻译 :    足够地,充分的
  • "enough of it" 中文翻译 :    够了,停止吧(说话人烦了); 停止吧
  • "enough to" 中文翻译 :    足够
  • "not enough" 中文翻译 :    不够的


  • The success is sure enough
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the success is sure enough的中文翻译,the success is sure enough是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译the success is sure enough,the success is sure enough的中文意思,the success is sure enough的中文the success is sure enough in Chinesethe success is sure enough的中文the success is sure enough怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。